Small fire extinguisher location sign
Australian standard AS2444, most building regulations, and WorkCover require these indicator signs to be displayed in a position that is clearly visible above your fire extinguisher
size: 155mm x 235mm
We recommend fixing with Liquid Nails or double-sided tape
Do NOT use petroleum-based glues
Extinguisher Location sign mounting heights (Source- NSW Fire Brigade Website)
Minimum - 2000mm above floor level
At a point that makes them most apparent to a person of average height & visual acuity.
- The extinguisher or extinguisher sign shall be clearly visible for up to 20 metres on approach.
- The size of the sign shall be determined by:
- The location at which the sign shall be legible
- The distance at which the sign shall be legible
- A minimum of one sign must be provided above or adjacent to an extinguisher even if indicating the location of multiple or a mixed group of extinguishers.
- The Australian Standard (AS) 2444 Portable Fire Extinguishers and Fire Blankets selection and location will provide comprehensive and specific information.
This is offered as a guide only - please refer to the latest version of The Australian Standard (AS) 2444.