9 Litre Water fire extinguisher- Rated for Class A fires only. Suitable for ordinary combustibles such as wood, paper, plastics, textiles, rubber and rubbish. Supplies water under pressure to cool the fire below ignition temperature. Also known as SPW fire extinguisher or stored pressure water fire extinguisher. No chemical residues after use. Air/water fire extinguishers are often specified for schools and pre-schools because if the children try to discharge them, they only contain water
This extinguisher is Australian Standards approved, and includes wall hanging bracket, security seal tie, and blank record maintenance tag.
Not for use on energised electrical equipment, or other fire types.
Rating 3A
Certified and approved to AS/NZS 1841.2
Dimensions 180mm x 638mm
Full Weight 12.2Kg
Operating pressure 7 bar
Cylinder volume: 12.5L
Stainless steel tank